Monday, July 27, 2009
This is Carly, grandpa's granddaughter. I wanted to say how much I will miss the world's best grandpa. He was more than just a grandpa to me, he was also my best friend and my role model. My grandpa has always been a fighter when it came to overcoming obstacles in his life and would never give up in whatever he believed in, even if it came down to a bitter fight in the end. I love that about him, and I bet if you looked around for another man on this earth like my grandpa, you would realize that my grandpa is a pretty special person. Not only was he a courageous fighter, but he also had a heart that gave so much love to other people. Ive been told that when I came home from China, grandpa was the first person I connected with. My mom always tells me that she can still remember me and grandpa dancing in that hallway, looking as if I had known him my whole life, even though my life was just beginning. He has been in my life, since the very first time I came to America, and even though he is gone I will always remember him and keep him close to my heart. I love you grandpa, and may you rest in peace.

Early this morning I received a phone call from the hospital that Dad was doing very poorly and that maybe I should come to the hospital. I called Uncle Mike and Aunt Mary for support because it seemed like this was the end. They picked me up at 8AM, since I was too nervous to drive. We got to the hospital and went up to the ICU. My father's heart EKG was not looking good and his breathing was strained, even with the ventilator assisting him. At about 11AM he expired. The man that helped bring me into this world was gone. He touched so many lives. He will be sorely missed. We all love you Dad. Rest in peace.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Last week Carly, my daughter, went to visit Grandpa in the hospital. Dad and Carly have been very close since the day she came home from China. There was an instant bond and my Dad has loved her dearly ever since that day. They had spent many hours together playing and I am sure that she has been one of the highlights of his life (Along with the other grandchildren, of course.).
Carly was quite upset the whole time she was there and just buried her face in our sides. She wanted to tell Grandpa, in a loving way with a little tongue in cheek, that she would marry a nice Jewish boy. This is what Grandpa advised her, in a half serious way, in the past. With me as her spokesman, the message was communicated to my unconscious father. Carly seemed happy that this was accomplished. Carly will always be with you in spirit Dad. She loves you very much.
Carly was quite upset the whole time she was there and just buried her face in our sides. She wanted to tell Grandpa, in a loving way with a little tongue in cheek, that she would marry a nice Jewish boy. This is what Grandpa advised her, in a half serious way, in the past. With me as her spokesman, the message was communicated to my unconscious father. Carly seemed happy that this was accomplished. Carly will always be with you in spirit Dad. She loves you very much.
Visit to hospital 7/25/09
Yesterday, Rich, Anita and I went to see Dad in the ICU where he has been for 2 weeks. He is on a ventilator, a feeding tube going directly into the stomach, 4 intravenous machines, a heart catheter, computer monitor and a device to increase blood circulation in his legs. Despite that device, he now has a blood clot in one leg and both arms. These cannot be treated with blood thinners because the doctors are concerned that they might start the bleeding in his head again. This is a greater concern, at this time. He moves his right arm in a repetitive way touching his forehead. The nurse had to tie a small pillow to his hand to prevent him from disturbing the breathing tube. We talked to Dad but there was no response. His eyes did not open once. The nurse says that he is in a "medium range" coma, on the Glasgow Coma Scale.
Danny had brought in some CD's with Dad's favorite music. The hospital has a Bose radio-CD player right there with the rest of the hospital equipment, in his room. The Hackensack Medical Center is rated one of the 50 best hospitals in the USA. Everything they do shows this. The care is very professional and quite personal. There is no doubt he is in the right place.
We left a 10:30PM. Our thoughts and hearts are with you, Dad.
Please try to refrain from calling me. I can't handle all the calls and still am trying to run our business. Dad wanted the business to go on.
Danny had brought in some CD's with Dad's favorite music. The hospital has a Bose radio-CD player right there with the rest of the hospital equipment, in his room. The Hackensack Medical Center is rated one of the 50 best hospitals in the USA. Everything they do shows this. The care is very professional and quite personal. There is no doubt he is in the right place.
We left a 10:30PM. Our thoughts and hearts are with you, Dad.
Please try to refrain from calling me. I can't handle all the calls and still am trying to run our business. Dad wanted the business to go on.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
I am Gary, my father's 2nd son. My brother's Danny, Richard and I have been by our father's side for the past 2 weeks. On July 13th, 2009, our father suffered his 4rth stroke. This, unfortunately, is his worst one yet. Me and my fellow worker, Jerry, were finally able to get him to Hackensack hospital by 3 PM after a morning of craziness. At about 10 AM I called 911 for an ambulance. In about 5 minutes 4 EMS people and 3 policemen showed up at our factory in Garfield. After some initial examinations the EMS people asked him, "What is your name and what is the date." My father answered in his usual ironic style, "Milton Mann and the date is (long pause) July 15th, 2009 (I didn't even know the date myself.)". They informed him that he should cooperate with them and go to the hospital, he declined. After much discussion, I threw up my hands and they left.
My next challenge was to stop him from driving to the bank. Since the policeman refused to take away his car key, it was up to me to prevent an impending car wreck. I was waiting outside for my staggering dad and followed him to the parking lot. Fortunately he was trying to open my car door with his key. Here was my chance. "Dad let me try to open the door." I took the key and put it in my pocket. This did not sit well with my very determined father. "Gary, quit f***ing around with me. Give me that key." I offered to drive him to the bank and he finally agreed. It was quite a trip, but we did make it back in one piece despite the fact that he let go of the endorsed check outside the bank. The wind blew it away, but I was able to retrieve it fast enough to get back to Dad before he fell over. He staggered into the bank, with me supporting him all the way.
After getting back to the factory, he agreed to see his doctor. We got an appointment and off we went with Jerry's help. His doctor examined him and said, "Mr. Mann, you need to go to the hospital now." "I'll go next week." "Mr. Mann, your son and I agree that you are having a stroke. Why don't you go with him to Hackensack Hospital?" "I'll go tomorrow." "Mr. Mann, you need to go now. If they examine you and everything is OK, then you can go home." "OK I'll go." By the time we got to the hospital, Dad could not get out of the car. I got a wheel chair and we pulled him out of the car into the wheel chair. It was quite surprising how well he was doing in the Emergency Room bed, being examined by the admitting doctor. Maybe this was a big mistake. I stayed a few hours and left. They did a CAT scan later; it showed a massive hemorrhagic stroke. This is a much more dangerous condition than his previous thrombotic strokes.
Things have gone from bad to worse with worsening neurological condition, pneumonia etc. Right now he is on life support. Things do not look good, although my uncle Mike called to say that Mary, his wife, massaged Dad's foot and he opened his eyes. When she moved around the room, my Dad's eyes followed her. We hope for the best.
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